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Cabbage Soup Diet

7 Day Cabbage Soup Diet -Ideal for Weight Loss

Categories : General

The cabbage soup diet, also called simply ‘’the cabbage diet’’, is a weight loss plan that has been proven to have positive results for many years now and is said to be one of the best diets around for reducing body weight. The reason why many people prefer it is that it works faster and results are visible within short time. This diet involves consuming large amounts of low-calorie cabbage soup for about 7 days, which provides the dieter with short-term weight loss and helps reduce body weight quickly. Note, however, that this type of diet is not recommended for long-term effects.


[color-box color='' customcolorpicker='' rounded=false dropshadow=false]Following this diet, you can lose about 10 pounds (4.5 kg) in one week. Due to results that have proven this in countless cases of dieters around the world, the cabbage diet is considered a successful one.[/color-box]

Cabbage Soup Diet

Here are a few recipes for the cabbage diet, to be used in a 7-day program.

Day #1

On the first day, it is recommended that you eat only fruits. You can eat any of your favorite fruits, except bananas. Aside from the allowed fruits, you can only have cabbage soup. As for the drinks allowed by this diet, they are: unsweetened tea, water, and cranberry juice.

Day #2

On the second day, you must consume only vegetables. You may opt to eat fresh, raw, or cooked vegetables. For dinner, you may have a big baked potato with butter. However, throughout the entire day all you should consume is vegetables and the soup.

Day #3

For day #3, you have to mix the food items given in days #1 and #2. It is recommended that you eat all the allowed fruits, vegetables, and soup. You should avoid the baked potato, however, on this day.

Day #4

For day #4, your meals should be comprised of bananas and skimmed milk. It is recommended that you eat as many as eight bananas this day, while you’re allowed to drink as many glasses of skimmed milk as you want. This should be followed by cabbage soup. For this day in specific, exclude all sweeteners.

Day #5

Day #5 of this diet specifies the intake of beef and tomatoes. You have to consume about 10 to 20 ounces of beef and about six fresh tomatoes on this day. Make sure that you drink 6-8 glasses of water as well. This will help flush the uric acid out of the body. Beef can also be replaced by broiled or baked chicken.

Day #6

Day #6 involves consuming beef and vegetables. You can also have a few servings of leafy green vegetables. This should again be followed by cabbage soup. Make sure not to include baked potato to your meal on this day.

Day #7

The seventh day is the last in the cabbage soup diet. On this day, you are required to have brown rice, unsweetened fruit juice, and vegetables. Make sure that you have cabbage soup at least once during the day.

As it is obvious from the allowed and recommended food items above, the cabbage soup diet is especially planned to reduce body weight – about 10 pounds in a week’s time, if we are to look at the results provided through the years. Yet, this diet still contains all the necessary nutrients a healthy adult requires on a daily basis. For this reason, it is the only diet program that promises such results in a very short period and is considered safe to follow at the same time.